In general, the first law defines the force qualitatively, the second law offers a quantitative measure of the force, and the third asserts that a single isolated force doesn’t exist. A x = ( 23 N ) cos 6 0 ∘ − F 2 m (Plug in value of F 1 = 23 N obtained in the vertical calculation.) a_x=\dfrac a x = m ( 2 3 N ) cos 6 0 ∘ − F 2 (Plug in value of F 1 = 2 3 N obtained in the vertical calculation. When using these equations we must be careful to only plug horizontal forces into the horizontal form of Newtons second law and to plug vertical forces into the vertical form of Newtons second law. Newton’s laws of motion are three physical laws that describe the relationship between a body and the forces acting upon it, and its motion in response to those forces. To understand these laws, here are three key terms to keep in mind: Motion: Motion occurs when an object moves from one place to another or changes positions.A duck waddling from Point A to Point B, and then lowering its head to drink, are two forms of motion.